Maintenance - FAQ
What if a part breaks?
Most parts are in stock at our facility in central Minnesota. If the part needed is covered under your warranty we will send it to you free of charge. If the part is not under warranty you will only be charged wholesale (our cost) for the part plus shipping. We stand behind our products and parts so much that we will never try to make money off replacement parts.Maintenance for Fiber Laser?
Maintenance is very minimal on our fiber lasers. The Laser source itself is totally maintenance free. Just another thing that makes Fiber Lasers superior, especially considering what we ask them to do everyday!
Keep gear racks, rails, and ball screws free of debris. Keep them oiled and greased. Machines have auto oilers for this. Make sure they are full and use 30w oil. Straight 30w.
- Check for damaged, loose or worn parts. Check rack and pinion for chips, dullness, or rust.
- Make a visual check on your auto oiler, is it functioning properly? Does it need oil?
- Do a visual on your chiller, make sure no foreign debris have accumulated near it.
- Check for water leaks near your chiller, and on any external cooling lines.
- Check your external gas lines and electrical wires. Any signs of wear or damage?

SHOP for HYTEK IPG and MAX Lasers
SHOP for HYTEK CNC Routers